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- What is body-centered psychotherapy?
- What usually happens in a body-psychotherapy session?
- Why work with the body?
- How does body-pscyhotherapy help?
- What kinds of problems does body-psychotherapy address?
- What is the theoretical framework of this approach to therapy?
- How long does it take?
- How much does it cost?
- Do you take insurance?
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Psychotherapy: A Body-Centered Approach
If you are
- struggling with unresolved issues from the past that are still causing you pain or difficulty
- experiencing pain, illness or other body symptoms related to past or present stress
- experiencing anxiety or depression that is preventing you from feeling good and moving forward in your life and relationships
- facing a challenging transition and feeling stuck, troubled or disempowered
- feeling you have analyzed your issues to death and want to get to the level where you can make real change
- give you a safe way to unpack complex issues and discover pathways of change and greater wholeness as a person
- complete what needs to be completed, not just on an intellectual level, but on the body level where emotional healing happens
- free yourself from entanglements in your relationships
- develop grounding, centering, and boundaries that support feelings of strength, safety and aliveness
- develop your capacity to relate to and with feeling
- help you find your truth, your vision and your voice in a deep, embodied, organic way.